JUNE 18, 2010
What you can expect to see:
The Hogwarts Express,
which whistles and billows steam to signal its arrival;
Hogsmeade Village
with Wizard shops....
a joke shop where you can purchase Extendable Ears and Sneakoscopes;
which features treats like Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans (take 'THAT' Ghirardellis);
The Three Broomsticks and the adjacent Hog's Head pub, offering traditional British food and drinks ... and the definitely non-traditional Butterbeer (non-alcoholic) and pumpkin juice;
The Owlery and The Owl Post:
where you can send letters with a Hogsmeade postmark and buy official stamps from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter;
the wand shop where the 'wand chooses the wizard' in an interactive experience (I wonder if the Wand of Destiny will be available? );
Dervish and Banges:
the magical instruments shop selling Quidditch equipment, Triwizard apparel, Spectrespecs and Remembralls.
The attractions:
Dragon Challenge:
a twin high-speed roller coaster with many elements from the Triwizard Tournament (the former "Dueling Dragons");
Flight of the Hippogriff:
a family coaster simulating a Hippogriff training flight over the grounds of Hogwarts castle (the former "Flying Unicorn");
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey:
the big, huge, new ride located in Hogwarts Castle: a state-of-the-art attraction that uses entirely new technology to bring the magic, characters and stories of Harry Potter to life in ways never before experienced;
Before exiting back into Hogsmeade:
Filch's Emporium of Confiscated Goods
(get your Omnioculars here!)
I'm saving my Galleons and Knuts for HarryPotterstuff and butterbeer!!