Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spilling the (Bertie Botts) Beans

Sandy Klim, writer for "Going Places", AAA members' magazine, reveals some very cool secrets about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I guess you could say she spilled the (Bertie Botts Every Flavor) Beans!

In the village of Hogsmeade, be sure to check out Gringott's bank and its ATM. "No one protects money like a Goblin!"

You can buy a Firebolt at Dervish and Banges.
Also check out the 'Monster Book of Monsters' (grrrr) on display.

At Honeydukes, try the licorice clippings, a candy "dispensed in a very unique and unusual manner".

You can choose from 13 kinds of wands at Ollivander's shop.
But remember, the wand chooses the wizard.
"A mismatched wand creates havoc". and the right one ... you'll know".
(Hint: the wandkeeper will ask specific questions to determine the correctness of your wand).

While in the queue for the big ride, 'Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey', you'll meet the never-before-seen founders of Hogwarts: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw.

And ... something about Moaning Myrtle, but that's still a secret.

Wizarding World opens June 18th.

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